

Membership* in the Utah FilmmakersAssociation is automatically granted to individuals and organizations with active filmmaking interests in the state of Utah.
There are no required dues or fees to become a member, just an open invitation to embrace the UFA™'s Core Values
 and Vision.

Utah Filmmakers™
Honorary Associate

Membership Categories

There are three (3) categories of Membership:

1. Community Membership

Community Members† include individuals, organizations, and events.

Community Membership is automatically granted to those meeting the eligibility requirements referenced above. For various statistical and reporting purposes, the official membership count for the organization is based on those listed among the members/participants in Utah Filmmakers™’s official forum and Associate Forums, as well as anyone who volunteers for and/or is employed by Associate Organizations/Events.

2. Associate Membership

Associate Members include vetted and select individuals, organizations, and events.

Associate Membership is granted to participants in the
Utah Filmmakers™ Associate Program. 

3. Principal Membership

Principal Members include the corporate Principals of the nonprofit corporation Utah Filmmakers™ as indicated through public filings with the Utah Division of Corporations and Commercial Code.

Principal Membership is granted only by existing Principals.

Rights of Members

Select Principals may periodically establish certain rights and privileges relating to the specific membership categories. Still, no member shall have any voting rights or other rights of members not outlined in the Utah Revised Nonprofit Corporation Act.

*Adapted from the CORPORATE BYLAWS of Utah Filmmakers™DBA Utah Filmmakers™ Association / UFA™ • a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

While the organization references the number of members in its official forum when quantifying its membership numbers, participation in social media or even having an online presence is not required to be considered a Community Member of the Utah Filmmakers Association.